Owl Studio

What We Do

We are a full-service revolutionary branding agency

Our Capabilities.

At Owl Branding Studio, we are passionate about helping businesses soar above the competition with truly distinctive, soulful, and revolutionary branding that evolves with the times, connects with their audience, and propels them toward success.

Brand strategy

A strong brand is backed by a strong strategy. At Smack Bang, Strategy is at the heart of everything we do. Without a solid foundation it is impossible to build a brand with unwavering strength and the shine needed to win in tomorrow’s market. As a leading branding agency, Smack Bang equips brands with the strategic positioning they need to achieve their goals.

Name + tagline development

With no shortage of businesses out there, your brand name is a core differentiator from the masses. It is your opportunity to set the tone of your brand with loud and clear intentionality. We believe when done well, a good brand name will be distinctive from competitors, authentic to your brand vision and elicit the appropriate emotional response from your audience.

Brand identity

Developing a cohesive and robust brand identity is an integral element of any effective brand strategy. Your visual identity is often the very first interaction an intended audience will have with your brand. A memorable and relevant brand logo, typography and brand colour palette will not only convey the desired brand aesthetic in one fell swoop but will trigger interest and intrigue into brand purpose, with consumers. Creating a strong and engaging visual brand identity begins with using the strategic brand principles and core foundations that act as a springboard for the creative development

Packaging design

The purpose of packaging is to protect the goods inside but additionally, and arguably more importantly, it is to create a presence – standing out on a shelf or site. The power of packaging, both good and bad, is monumental. It has direct influence on buying behaviour and thus, whether developed with minimal environmental impact in mind, or intended to convert on social platforms, packaging design should be a careful consideration in a brands overarching marketing strategy.


Could your brand be underperforming because customers identify more with a competitor’s image? Rebranding could be the key.
We understand the complexities of a rebrand. It requires a fluid transition, a shift from old to new that doesn’t alienate your stakeholders. We ensure a seamless process, delivering an outcome that better aligns with your brand’s future.
Whether you wish to redefine your entire brand strategy or just refresh your look and feel, we engage with you intimately to comprehend your objectives.

Website + app design

Developing a cohesive and robust brand identity is an integral element of any effective brand strategy. Your visual identity is often the very first interaction an intended audience will have with your brand. A memorable and relevant brand logo, typography and brand colour palette will not only convey the desired brand aesthetic in one fell swoop but will trigger interest and intrigue into brand purpose, with consumers. Creating a strong and engaging visual brand identity begins with using the strategic brand principles and core foundations that act as a springboard for the creative development

Web development

Web Development, when done right, is integral to a successful brand as it directly impacts how your business is perceived by your audience. It is a reflection of your brand and what it stands for, and is a key player in keeping users on your site long enough to lead to conversion.


Nailing your brand voice is the (often overlooked) ingredient to nailing the emotional connection with your ideal client. Copywriting goes well beyond listing your product features, advantages and benefits – the words we use have the power to tell a story and tug at a heart string. The way your brand speaks to your consumer is how they will remember the brand and the feelings associated with it. Leading brands not only have a clever tone of voice, but one that is distinctive to them, communicating seamlessly with consumers across every platform and touchpoint.

Photography + videography

A brand is only as good as the content it is pedalling. Crafting content that achieves the trifecta of success; cut-through, connection and conversion is crucial to ensuring traction amongst crowded marketplaces. We know that effective photography and videography play a big part in the effectiveness of your content production. Visual assets present an opportunity to capture your audience’s attention through stimulating visuals that speak to the heart of your brand message in an engaging and thoughtful way.

Marketing collateral

It does not matter how great your product or service is if you don’t know how to market it correctly it will be lost amongst the masses in today’s saturated market. Marketing is an integral part of every successful brand and with consumer attention spans waning it is more important than ever to get it right. Great marketing will amplify your messaging and elevate brand awareness. Clever marketing executions supported by strategic marketing collateral is an integral step in getting your brand seen.

Campaign development

We believe strategic planning is brought to life when it is utilised to develop stand out campaigns. At SmacK Bang, we bring bright, iconic, and innovative ideas with the power to execute across all platforms. After establishing a go-to-market strategy and communication strategy for your brand, our experts leverage these concepts to build campaigns that will not only get your brand noticed, but remembered.

Recent Projects

Bella Greek
Acheve Fashion